Move Meditation Guide

  1. You start with the Move Meditation in a sitting position. Where and how you sit is up to you. Just sit up straight, please.
  2. Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times at the beginning. It is best to inhale through the nose and exhale forcefully through the mouth.exhalation should be in the ratio 1:2. So exhale twice as much as you inhale.
  3. You can close your eyes or keep them open – it’s up to you. If you leave it open, please fix a point preferably horizontal to your eye level.
  4. Concentrate on the movements. It’s perfectly normal when your head starts thinking. Never force your head not to think. This only causes stress. Instead, just focus on the movement again. This can be quite a back and forth at first, but is perfectly fine. The longer you practice it the more your brain calms down.
  5. Starters should start with a minimum of 30 minutes, then 45 minutes and if you like 60 minutes.


Now we come to the Walk Meditation, the 2nd part of the Move Meditation.

  1. Do it right after, like to drink a glass of water now.
  2. Always walk a fixed distance back and forth. The surface should be level (risk of tripping). The distance should be about 10 m. You can also walk in a circle. Where you go doesn’t matter at all. Of course, not as a road user, no matter what kind. Your room, the garden, the beach, a meadow without traffic, etc. .
  3. Now fix your eyes on a point about 1m in front of you and concentrate on it and your movement. Again, it is normal that your brain may start thinking. React relaxed and focus again on the movement on your legs, your muscles. Simply on your body.
  4. Again, 30 minutes minimum and then you can increase to 45 or 60 minutes. We Napalai and Peter wish you a lot of fun and relaxation.


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Thank you and have fun
Napalai and Peter

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